The following objects and mission statment for the Society were approved and adopted at a Special Meeting of the Executive, Board of Directors and Past Presidents on December 5, 2000.
To be the collective voice of Jewish jurists of Quebec vis-à-vis the greater legal community and government.
To provide a stimulating and convivial forum for continuing legal education on matters of professional, topical or cultural interest.
To further the interests of and recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
To promote the appointment to the Bench and to governmental bodies of qualified Jewish members of the Bar and of the Chamber of Notaries.
To provide members of the Society with a forum for fellowship.
To promote and encourage the active participation of Society members in the institutions and activities of the greater legal community.
To foster and recognize scholastic excellence by law students through the funding of prizes.
Mindful of its beginnings and the legacy of its founders, The Lord Reading Law Society continues its role as the collective voice of Jewish jurists of Quebec, dedicated to the furtherance of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Through its renowned speakers’ programme, the Society maintains its tradition as a premier forum for continuing legal education on issues of topical and cultural interest in a unique ambience of congeniality and fellowship. By funding prizes in law faculties, it encourages and recognizes scholastic excellence.
The Society preserves and promotes its relationship with and active involvement in the institutions and activities of the greater legal community.