2011-2012 Robin Schiller
It was my pleasure to serve the Society during the 2011-2012 season and I thank all of the membership and Board for the privilege.
During my term, we had the honour and privilege of being addressed by the following speakers:
Mr. Justice Allan R. Hilton of the Québec Court of Appeal whose presentation was entitled “Language Rights of Accused in Canada”.
The Associate Dean, Graduate Studies of McGill University, Professor Rosalie Jukier. Her topic was: “Backstage at the Palace: Analyzing Judicial Methodology in Mixed Legal Systems and Why Judges Do What They Do”.
Mr. Justice Ian Binnie of The Supreme Court of Canada. Justice Binnie’s topic was: “Corporate Complicity in Abuse of Human Rights”.
Chief Justice Élizabeth Corte of the Court of Québec and Justices Suzanne Handman and Lori Weitzman. Their topic was: “What you don’t know about the Court of Québec.”
Me Pierre Bienvenu, Ad. E. of Norton Rose Canada LLP. Me Bienvenu discussed the Lola case and its potential impact on common law spouses in Quebec.
The Chief Justice of Québec, The Honourable Nicole Duval Hesler whose topic was “What You Don’t Know About The Court Of Appeal And Where It Is Going.”
Throughout my term, I tried to create an environment where we could not only educate ourselves intellectually, but also get to know each other on a more informal and personal level. Since we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the admission of the first woman to the Bar of Québec during my mandate, I felt it was incumbent upon me to promote the accomplishments of both our confrères and our consoeurs by ensuring we had an equal number of both male and female presenters.
Through the hard work and dedication of theBoard Members, our Annual Students Dinner attracted more than 50 law students and stagiaires.
At the end of my term, I felt the Society was on track to foster not only continued growth, but growing appreciation within the legal community.