NEWSLETTER – January 2009

Ronald H. Levy, President
Allen Mendelsohn & Dorith Toledano, Editor(s)

President’s Message

Ronald H. Levy

Dear Friends,Our next lecture is our annual Students Dinner.  I am pleased to advise that the Deans of Law of both Université de Montréal and McGill University have been invited to join us as we will be awarding to recipients from both faculties the Lord Reading Law Society Prize in recognition of the student from McGill who obtained the highest standing in first-year and the student from Université de Montréal who displayed excellence in Constitutional Law I and II.  In addition, Dean Kasirer from McGill will be presenting the McGill Law Faculty’s Lord Reading 60th Anniversary Prize to its inaugural recipient.  Mr. Stephen A. Jarislowsky will deliver our lecture entitled, “The current economic crisis explained,” certainly a topic, I hope you agree, that all members of the Society could benefit from. I look forward to greeting all of you at our next lecture on February 4th.  Please note that you can download the Dinner Invitation here.Yours very truly,Ronald H. Levy, President

Hillel Neuer Speaks to Lord Reading for the Annual Human Rights Lecture

Allen Mendelsohn

On December 4th, the Society was thrilled to welcome Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, on the occasion of the Society’s Annual Human Rights Lecture. Additionally, the Society’s Human Rights Award was presented (posthumously) to John P. Humphrey, McGill Law Professor and author of the original draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I could go on and on about the success of the evening and the thrill of welcoming Mr. Neuer and hearing him speak, and the honour of having Mr. Humphrey’s daughter receive the Human Rights Award on his behalf. But for this lecture, you can relive it yourself through the power of video! Yes, for the first time, the Society was pleased to record the entire evening’s lecture. Additionally, Mr. Neuer was kind enough to sit down with us for an exclusive interview. Both of these videos are available on our Human Rights Lecture page.

Please note that several law firms’ and corporations’ IT departments will block video-sharing sites such as are used on that page, so you may not be able to see the videos at your office. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please either ask your IT department to unblock the the sites (Google Video and Vimeo) or we invite you to watch it outside your office.

Candidates CV’s Now Online

Robin Schiller

The Career Advancement Committee is pleased to advise it has posted the Curriculum Vitaes of several Candidates online.

We encourage you to browse the CV’s of these worthy candidates on our page for employers and to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)= 0){out += unescape(l[i].replace(/^ss*/, ‘&#’));}while (–j >= 0){/**/if (el[j].getAttribute(‘eeEncEmail_NggoasdzHC’)){el[j].innerHTML = out;}}/*]]]]>*/]]> with any questions you may have.

Robin Schiller, Chair
Career Advancement Committee

Society Humour

In honour of the Students Dinner…

News from the Mishpauchah

Mazel Tov

To Society Board Member Elliot Lifson on being named a lecturer for the McGill Mini-Biz series.


To Society Executive Member Alyssa Yufe on the loss of her Mother-in-law.